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2025-03-01 08:47:23 阅读(28) 精品歌词网

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Why does it take longer for mobile batteries to charge after 70-80%?


【单词】mobile ['moh-buh?l]['m??ba?l] adj. 移动的;易变的;活动的

【单词】batteries 原型:battery ['bat-uh-ree]['b?t?r?] n. 电池

While the batteries nowadays charge from 0 to 50 in like 5 to 10 minutes, it almost takes twice as long to charge from that point to 100%.


【单词】nowadays ['nou-uh-deyz]['na??de?z] adv. 现今;现在,相当于“at this time”

【单词】twice 副词 [twahys][twa?s] adv. 两倍;两(liang)次



Imagine you're going to a cinema.


【单词】imagine [ih-'maj-in][?'m?d??n] vt. 想(xiang)像;设想;料想(xiang);猜想;认为 vi. 想像

【单词(ci)】cinema 名词 ['sin-uh-muh]['s?n?m?] n. 电影院;电影(ying)

You are first to enter the showing room and all the seats are empty.


【单词】enter 动词原形 ['en-ter]['ent?] v. 进入

【单词】seats 原型:seat 名词复数形式(shi) [seet][si?t] n. 座位;席位(wei)

【单词】empty ['emp-tee]['empti] adj. 空的

You can easily find a seat to sit down.


When more and more people come and sit down there are less seats and it takes longer to find one and get to it.


【短语】more and more 越来越多的;例句:Now more and more people are streaming into big cities. 现在越来(lai)越多的人涌进大城市。

For explainational purposes phones are similar that it takes longer for the ions to find a place in the battery when charging when it is close to full.


【单词】purposes 原型:purpose ['pur-puhs]['p??p?s] n. 目(mu)的;决心;意图

【单词(ci)】phones 原(yuan)型:phone [fohn][f??n] n. 电话(hua);电话机

【单(dan)词】ions 原型:ion 名(ming)词复数形式 ['ahy-uhn, 'ahy-on]['a??n] n. 离子


First of all the energy % level is hard to actually measure for most batteries, and your phone estimates how full it really is.


【单词】measure ['mezh-er]['me??] v. 测量;比较;给予;权衡

【单(dan)词】estimates 原型:estimate ['es-tuh-meyt]['est?m?t] v. 估计(ji);估价;评价

How this estimation is done makes a big difference for this.


【单词】estimation [es-tuh-'mey-shuhn][?est?'me??n] n. 判断;估计

Also the fuller a battery is the harder it gets to fill it further because less material to react is left, and the "force to decharge it" gets stronger.


【单词】fill 动词原形 [fil][f?l] vt. 装满;弥漫;填充;担任

【单词】react 动词原形 [ree-'akt][ri'?kt] v. 反(fan)应;反攻

【单词】decharge ['det?ɑ?d?] 这里指使电池更难充进去电的力量

It's mostly due to the software of the charging system.


【短语】due 100 to 多数表示“由于;因为”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表示“付给(gei)某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.

【单词】mostly 副词 ['mohst-lee]['m??stli] adv. 主要地;通常

They go at a higher voltage for the initial part and slow down to prevent damage during the final stages.


【单词(ci)】voltage 名词 ['vohl-tij]['v??lt?d?] n. 电压

【单(dan)词】initial [ih-'nish-uhl][?'n??l] adj. 开始的;最(zui)初的

【单(dan)词】prevent 动词原(yuan)形 [pri-'vent][pr?'vent] v. 预防;防止,阻止;挡住

【单词】damage 名词 ['dam-ij]['d?m?d?] n. 损害;损失(shi);毁坏

Electricity has 2 basic properties, voltage (electrical "pressure") and current (electrical "flow").


【单词】electricity [ih-lek-'tris-i-tee][??lek'tr?s?ti] n. 电(dian);电学;电流

【单词】electrical 形容词 [ih-'lek-tri-kuh?l][?'lektr?kl] adj. 电的;与电有关(guan)的

【单(dan)词】flow 名词 [floh][fl??] n. 流动;流;流量

To force current into a battery to charge com it, you need to apply a higher voltage than the battery already has in it.


【单词】apply 动词原(yuan)形 [uh-'plahy][?'pla?] vt. 应用,使用

Otherwise electricity would want to flow from the battery into the charger, or at least stop flowing, and neither of those is helpful.


【单词】otherwise ['uhth-er-wahyz]['?e?wa?z] adv. 否(fou)则;不同地;在(zai)不同方面

【单(dan)词】charger 名词 ['chahr-jer]['t?ɑ?d??] n. 充电器

【单词】neither ['nee-th?er, 'nahy-]['na?e?] pron. 两者都(dou)不

【单词】helpful 形容词 ['help-fuhl]['helpfl] adj. 有(you)帮助的;有用的(de)

But when the battery is near the maximum voltage it can safely be exposed to... the amount of voltage you can use to force current into it is just a tiny bit higher than its current voltage, and the flow of electricity into it gets very slow.


【单词】maximum ['mak-suh-muhm]['m?ks?m?m] adj. 最高的;最大极限的

【单词】safely 副(fu)词 [seyf]['se?fli] adv. 安(an)全地;稳定地;有把握地(di);无风险地

【单词(ci)】exposed 原型:expose [ik-'spohz][?k'sp??z] vt. 揭露;使曝光;使面临;使暴露

【单词】tiny ['tahy-nee]['ta?ni] adj. 极小的;微小的

If you fill a glass with water you first puor very fast but at the end you start slowing down because you don't want to spill any water.


【单词】glass [glas, glahs][ɡlɑ?s] n. 玻璃;玻璃杯;玻璃制品

【单词】spill 名词 [spil][sp?l] v. 溢出;洒;使 ... 流出;泄漏 n. 溢出;流;木片;小杆


The same goes for batteries.






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